Character Flashes w/ tool containing unique meshdata onEquip / first draw

Reproduction Steps
Repro File:

The Flash Repro.rbxl (37.7 KB)

Repro Steps:

  1. Play
  2. Equip NoFlash, then Flash

Observe Flash causes the character to flash as in the video provided. The only difference is Flash has unique Mesh Data ID ( an arbitrary mesh from the toolbox, provided for example ). NoFlash has no Mesh ID.

Expected Behavior
Character should properly render continuously.

Actual Behavior
Character partly or fully deloads from screen (the hierarchy does not change in Studio explorer suggesting rendering issue)

Repro demonstration aid:

Inserting the character into workspace as per equipped will stop this issue by preloading the configuration seemingly.
Issue Area: Engine
Issue Type: Display
Impact: High
Frequency: Often
Date First Experienced: 2022-02-15 16:02:00 (-05:00)
Date Last Experienced: 2022-02-15 00:02:00 (-05:00)


Can reproduce. Anytime I weld a mesh to my character, there’s a 90% chance of the character flashing for a split second.

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Hello - we are investigating the issue currently. If you be are able to expand on some of information to that would be very helpful in finding possible sources for the issue

  • What is the platform and spec being used when the issue occur?
  • Is it 100% reproducible or less?
  • Is it specific for the character?
  • When did it start happening?

Thank you in advance for your patience and for reaching out

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Platform & Spec:

Manufacturer/ Model:

MSI GS76 Stealth 11UG-232


OS: Windows 10 Home (fresh installation, fresh installed drivers from OEM)
CPU: Core i9-11900H @ 2.5 - 4.9GHz
Chipset: HM570
GPU: NVIDIA® GeForce RTX™ 3070 Laptop GPU (fresh installed drivers)
Video Memory: 8G GDDR6
Memory: 32GB (16G*2) DDR4 3200MHz
HDD Capacity: 1TB NVMe SSD (Interface: NVMe )

Full Source: MSI Website (see MSI GS76 Stealth 11UG-232)

Issue is 100% reproducible on my computer.

It is non-specific to the character. They can be 3.0, or, wear a hat.

I definitely saw this on 2/15/22 as indicated. I may have seen this on 2/13/22.

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I can confirm this along with other strange side effects, such as your character’s textures completely breaking for a second or so

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Thank you for your patience and for providing more information.

We are very interested to know if the bug happens on avatars using SurfaceAppearance or not. So if you could please include more information about the avatars you see this on that would be helpful (even a screenshot of the avatar is probably helpful).

In an ideal scenario we would like to get a test scene with a copy of your avatar. To get this… go into studio (on an empty base plate) hit play, then go into the workspace and copy the avatar (select it and hit CTRL+C). Hit stop play, now paste the avatar into the scene (CTRL+SHIFT+V). Then save it as a RBXL and send it (either on thread or as private message).

This morning I am not having this issue. I have not had it once today so far. It is like a switch turned off.

That said, I reconfigured my avatar to what it was at the time of the bug (captured in video):

MrGreystoneCharacterModel.rbxl (87.6 KB)

I would like to know how to determine if an avatar is using SurfaceAppearance. This one is not, I assume. All avatars used were default roblox configurable. No developer custom SurfaceAppearance Instance containing tools or accessories were inserted.

I am unsure if avatar wearing processes could be related, so I included them here.

This character was created by going to my costumes, and clicking on an R15 costume, and then an R6 costume. The R15 scaling carries over to the R6 option. Everything else is the R6 (body appearance, color, absence of hats):

Though prior, I had this full R15 costume worn, and, that is when I first noticed the issue:


(This character when equipping the tool, partly would flicker (His UpperLeftArm, LowerLeftArm, tended to stay visible the whole time while the (Holding) RightHand, RightUpperHand were almost always flicker prone. Parts closer to the tool handle would disappear more commonly, and all sorts of clusters would partake in the flicker, unlike the captured, where the whole body went. A flickered part would never be farther than an unflickered part; everything that flickered propagated together from the handle.)

I have also repeated the avatar process with different results. ie the action gives incosistent consequence: (may be related)

omitting the last panel (tall repro dude) with the result below (short/default scaling produced version):


(both in the character preview seen here on website and in playing with the avatar, the short option arbitrarily was generated instead with no difference in actions)

this was relieved by dragging the slider to 0 and back to 25, and it returned to the final preview as in the 1->2->3 image.

First off thank you for the detailed write up!

That is non-trivial. You would need to look into the workspace. Alternatively you can sometimes tell just by how it looks, because SurfaceAppearance uses normal-maps, roughness, metalness… so if the avatar uses SurfaceAppearance you can sometimes see rendering ‘features’ that otherwise wouldn’t be possible.