Greetings Devforum, I’m having an issue where my character goes crazy when I clone it.
Basically, the system works when you die - your character gets cloned and the cloned character stays, ragdolled on the floor. You’re an actual character, can walk around on the other dimension but others cant see you. The issue I have is when I clone it the cloned character is welded to my actual character so they both start flying?
Any help?
Try raising the Y axis where you set the UpperTorso position of the player’s character. That could be the problem.
Seems that it didn’t work, unfortunately, any other ideas?
Is there a possible way of only raising the Y axis on the clone? So the clone is above the original character/ragdoll.
I’ve tried that already, it’s like the clone is welding to the actual character. (Right Foot/LeftFoot)
Try using the HumanoidRootPart. If the HumanoidRootPart’s position is changed, the rest of the body parts will follow along.
When the player is ragolled the humanoidrootpart gets destroyed, so I cant use that method.
Maybe clone the character before the ragdoll’s HumanoidRootPart is destroyed.
Still doesn’t work sadly, not sure how to fix it.
EDIT: It works except the original character goes flying?
Can you send your new code? I could be able to break it down and what’s happening
After cloning the original character, try to Anchor the original character/ragdoll’s HumanoidRootPart so it doesn’t start flying
This might be the problem, but I’m not sure
I’m assuming that clone
is the clone of the ragdoll