Character goes invisible?

In my game, whenever characters take out a tool they go temporarily invisible.
This also happens to humanoids sometimes when they die, the body will temporarily disappear and then re-apear, half a second later.

I’ve tried looking for new scripts ive added, then deleting them to see whats the culprit, however, no luck. It doesn’t happen in all games, so I believe its something to do with one of my scripts? Or is it a glitch I can’t control?

It looks like you are using Camera Scripts, and im gonna assume that you are also using custom starter character? Try disabling all of the scripts affecting these two, and then we cann narrow down the circle of possible problems

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I deleted everything in starterplayer and startercharacter, still happens.

Are you using LoadCharacter anywhere?

Doesn’t look like it, nothing came up when I searched for it.

Definitely an engine bug, as this happened with me too.
I’m assuming it’s because it’s trying to load the mesh of the tool, and for whatever reason the character goes invisible until it loads, too.

If you’re not using a mesh, then it’s probably something with the rendering part of the tool itself.

Alright, “good”, means I didn’t do anything. It was driving me crazy, I deleted all of the scripts in my game to try and find what it was and it was still happening.

You definitely didn’t do anything wrong, this happened to all my swords - which I’ve been using for many years at this point.

Happened to me when I used the LoadCharacter Lite plugin… purchased the paid version and no more issues with that.

This happens in a lot of games like arsenal for example where when someone gets a new gun they disappear for a second so I think it’s a bug on Roblox’s side and not scripts.

I can confirmed that this is Engine bugs and there’s a reporting bug post about this bug on somewhere around devforum. So we can’t really do anything to fix this.

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