Character hands keep on "going down" whilst having custom animation play on server

Hello everyone,

Recently, I’ve been trying to make a system where the player could carry plates from one place to another. I decided to create a custom animation for idling and walking with the plate to add a bit more flavor to it.

However, whilst the animation plays absolutely fine on the client, the character’s hands seem to be moving when the animation plays on the server. Therefore, it looks very odd to other players.

For better understanding, I’ve attached these two videos.

Client Side

Server Side

I have already tried multiple things that came to mind, such as trying to set the animation priority higher, modifying the animation’s keys so that the hands are set to strictly stay and so on.

In another words, I have no idea what else could be causing this issue.
I would appreciate any sort of help that you guys are able to give me.

are you playing the animation stricly on just server or strictly on just locally? Also, does it happen if you remove ‘Animate’ from character? because if it doesnt it something to do with how u saved the nodes in animation or priority is not set to action

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Hello, apologies for the late reply from my end.

All the animations are strictly played from the server, and to prevent any “slowdowns”, the solution that it currently uses is that it completely removes the whole Animate script from the character and replaces it.

So, for anyone wondering, this is how I fixed my issue.

As far as I understand it, exchanging the “Animate” scripts located in the player’s character during gameplay causes the script to use the old (default walking animation) and the new walking animation at the same time.

Trying to set the priority to something else just simply didn’t work, so I had to resort to making my own Animate script that plays animations. While it may have not been the best possible solution for the performance of the game, it did what was needed and the animation was correct on both client and server.

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