I’m trying to make the camera subject a part that follows the player to so that there is a slight delay whenever the player moves. The actual movement is very smooth, it’s just that now the player’s character is stuttering and jittering when it moves.
Here’s the code:
RunService:BindToRenderStep("camFollow",Enum.RenderPriority.Camera.Value - 1, function(dt)
self.camera.CameraSubject = self.camPart
local startPos = self.camPart.Position
local finishPos = (self.character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame + Vector3.new(0,1,0)).Position + self.character.Humanoid.CameraOffset
local magnitude = (startPos - finishPos).Magnitude
local distance = (9 + magnitude/10)
self.camPart.Position = self.camPart.Position:Lerp(finishPos, math.min(dt * distance,magnitude))
When I set the CameraSubject to the player’s Humanoid, it stops jittering.
I read this post, and it said I have to set the moving part (character)'s position before the camera updates. But since the player moves around using core roblox scripts, I can’t simply set the character’s position before the camera updates.
This is what it looks like:
Does anyone know how to fix the character stuttering and jittering when I set the CameraSubject to a non-humanoid?
Basically, I got the offset between the CFrame of the character’s HumanoidRootPart and the CFrame of the part that is following the player, and tweened the humanoid’s CameraOffset to that offset.
local startPos = self.camPart.Position
local finishPos = (self.character.Head.CFrame).Position
local magnitude = (startPos - finishPos).Magnitude
local distance = (9 + magnitude/10)
self.camPart.Position = self.camPart.Position:Lerp(finishPos, math.min(dt * distance,magnitude))
local camOffset = self.character.PrimaryPart.CFrame:ToObjectSpace(self.camPart.CFrame).Position
TweenService:Create(self.character.Humanoid,TweenInfo.new(0.1),{CameraOffset = camOffset}):Play()
It now achieves the same behavior in the video I sent and doesn’t cause the player’s character to jitter or stutter.