"Character is not a valid member of Atmosphere" error

I do not know the circumstances of what causes this error, but in my Error Reports screen on my experience I see the following error:

Character is not a valid member of Atmosphere "Players.<Player>"

And the error points to the following line in my code:

if player.Character then

Any thoughts? I cannot find anything online about this, or maybe I am blind.

How are you getting the player?

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local Players = game:GetService("Players")


and then the error comes out of that load() function.

Did you by chance send your character to space?

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No, this seems to occur either once the player has joined or once the player has left.

I have a save() and load() function, load() fires when the player joins the game and the save() function fires when the player is leaving.

For load(), it has Player.CharacterAdded:Wait() as the first line, so I don’t know why it doesn’t think the Character exists, if that is the case at all.

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I want to also mention this has only started happening within the last couple of days. Perhaps since the last ROBLOX update, I am not sure.

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Are you able to post the full script?

The load function isn’t a built in lua function right? Could you post it?

Could you add the characteradded to the player added then call the function and send the character?