For that I would recommend just deleting the line in the chat local function that triggers the remote event, having the remote event not fire won’t break anything and will fix the issue. As for the back break not triggering…
Make sure “if distance <= 6” also has “and false”, because otherwise the back break will only trigger when the player is a good enough distance away but not too close. Adding and false will make him only do the back break regardless of distance.
more than likely, also if it is the rootpart being anchored. you can re animate it when the player in in a while wait() do loop. and teleport them to the brutes rootpart nonstop until it stops
Thanks for the suggestion, but I think I’ll just set the jumppower and walkspeed of the Humanoid to 0, and then make the character temporarily not collide with the brute using collision groups. I’ll set this up in a minute, but until then I’m going to mark the solution as being because the humanoidrootpart was anchored and then unanchored.
Thanks for your generous and diligent help, I appreciate it alot.