Character not getting removed entirely when dying?

Hello, I’m currently scripting for this dinosaur game, I’m having problem where my character when they die it scripts some how don’t get deleted entirely, it stays there, so when playing as new character and attack the hitboxes appear where you are and where you died too, basically didn’t delete the scripts?

I tried deleting all scripts locally and server sided when you died and nothing worked ;( .

The scripts that need to get deleted need to be in StarterCharacterScripts, so when the character dies the scripts “die” too

There’s no such thing as character not getting removed entirely, for in fact, it automatically gets “destroyed” entirety, not just iterating through every object the character has but it deletes the whole concept of the character and recreates a new one. You may want to adjust where the hitboxes parented are, create a hitbox and parent it to the character, that way it will get destroyed when the charcter dies.

It’s worth noting this is only the case if workspace.PlayerCharacterDestroyBehavior is set to Enabled. If Disabled, the character just gets removed, i.e. parented to nil.

I’m not sure if Default is Enabled or Disabled as of now, but the following announcement post about it seems to still indicated that Default is the same as Disabled.

Thanks, I manage to solve, the solution was really destroying the character itself on the server but that didn’t really worked :expressionless: .

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