Character not Turning when CameraSubject is changed to Head

Hello, I am having a problem with a script where I want to have the camera follow my characters head with camera subject.
This part of my script works, however when i use shift lock or enter first person with my camera subject changed, my character does not turn with my character
Shift Lock

First Person

Is there a way to make my character turn with the camera? or is there a better way to make my camera follow specifically my head?

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I am quite confused as to what you are asking here. This obviously seems like a Camera Manipulation Issue. But I’m not exactly certain what you want to happen just from the info you’ve given so far. Is there a script you can share?

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Sorry for not being specific, I want to make my character and camera to act the same way they normally do. However my character does not turn when my camera turns.
if it helps this is the script that changes the camera subject

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Are you trying to reset the camera?

If so, set the camera subject to the humanoid and cameratype to custom.


It is not included in the screenshot, however there is a part of the script that does this when i press caps lock again. I just want to achieve a first person camera that follows the head when it moves

The problem is that the character does not turn horizontally along with the character. That is what I want to fix

HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = HumanoidRootPart.CFrame * LookDirectionOfMouse

Sorry for the Late Response. I Got A script to work based off of the line that you said.
Thank you for the advice :smiley:


It doesn’t have to be that complex, you just have to make sure the camera subject is the humanoid.

If that doesn’t work, you can switch the camera mode to fixed and then back to custom again.

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Also make sure to use Character:RemovePersistentPlayer(player) before switching camera if you are switching between characters with characterLoadsAutomatically off, or if you are trying to set the character to a new one