Character Pivot Offset Bug

I am encountering this bug where after I unanchor the character the pivot of the humanoid’s autorotate function seems to be extremely off. Any advice would be appreciated.

Does it happen without the Tool enabled?
Is the Massless Property of the Tool set to true?

The scythe is a model inside of the player welded to the right arm, no tools involved, I’ve double checked and everything is massless, and cancollide is off

For some odd reason even if it’s all massless and cancollide is off, it’ll still compete for root priority. So you might want to try turning all the weapon’s BaseParts’ RootPriority to something low, like -55.

Set all parts RootPriority to -55 and nothing changed.

This occurs after the player’s humanoidrootpart is unanchored.

I have seen a similar issue get fixed from setting the root priority. But I guess that didn’t work here.

Nonetheless I got onto this public place and tried a few things and oddly, only when I set the Massless property to be true again during mid-game it then worked (despite it being pre-set to that in ServerStorage). It could be due to Massless not being applied when the object isn’t in workspace or maybe some other funky stuff is going on behind the scenes.

I’ve personally experienced this bug, so I just went into the place where it’s still present and equipped an item, which is also held together by glue (welds). And I tried in total Setting the network owner (did nothing) setting can touch and can query (for no reason, god knows what could cause it, so that did nothing), I tried changing the welds to Motor6Ds which did nothing, but yeah re-setting the massless at the end of the day made the character FREEEE and yeah saw what you meant, root priority did nothing.

Primary difference I can tell is that the asset and it’s descendants exist after setting the massless, rather than before or it being pre-set to massless.

It’s weird, I tried many combinations of this method, setting massless before the cutscene, after the cutscene, on the server and the client and none of them really worked. But if I playtest in studio and do the cutscene and set the blade of the scythe to not be massless it fixes itself, but it seems no combination of delay replicates this solution without the studio explorer.

Yeah honestly I’m clueless, and am beginning to believe it’s a bug with larger welded assets.

One of the last guesses would be to use a weld constraints instead of a weld or motor6d which gives less mobility during animations or at least not as convenient as the other options…

The last and worst scenario is to have the client duplicate the item and weld & check all the stuff again to make sure it’s not a replication/network ownership issue. Despite not doing anything when cloned on the server and transferring ownership.

I found a patch solution to this incase anyone in the future has this problem. What I did was have a local script change the root priority of the objects in the weapon.

This has to be done each time after the animation is done for it to work.

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