Character randomly changed

I was testing my game in studio, and all of a sudden my character became this:


Don’t know how or why, I thought I was being hacked, but it seems as other people have had a problem recently with this? I haven’t seen anything on here about this though, so just wanted to see if others have had their character randomly changed?


Uh. I don’t think that’d be related to anything studio wise. I’d check out account access anyway.

Yeah, earlier my character’s skin color randomly changed to pure white out of nowhere. It does seem to be happening to a number of people.


Idk I think it’s probably just trying to give stylish recommendations! But yeah, that’s weird.

There’s probably an exploit with how Xbox packages are applied to players.

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I had a problem yesterday where when I kept changing my outfit the body part colour allocation was all wrong, changing it would usually end with all the right colours but on the wrong body parts. Although one time I did actually get a colour I don’t even use.

Just to clarify: No, this isn’t to do with user assigned clothing either, the outfit in question had different colour body/legs.

The only other instance of what’s being described in OP has happened a couple of times to me in my user lifetime (08), where changing my appearance would have an ‘incredibly’ rare chance of just showing a random avatar (I assume someone else’s they’d just rendered too).
Given that’s only happened to me two or three times in the period of about 9 years though I can’t guarantee that’s relevant to what’s happening to you, but just saying it could be one of those rare instances of that happening.

This just happened to me - any ideas?

Dunno if related, but my character had white skin when I logged on this morning, and went back to white again just now image.jpg

I’ve identified the source of this bug and am in the process of shipping a fix.


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