Character randomly shaking, even with nothing in the game

Sorry if this is under the wrong topic; this is my first time using the DevForum and I didn’t know what to put it under.

  1. What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!
    Recently, a game I am working on started having this strange bug where the character would slightly shake up and down. Upon investigation, I noticed that the HumanoidRootPart was receiving a bit of random velocity even if the character was stationary. I copied the place and removed absolutely everything except for a spawnlocation, but the issue still persists.

  2. What is the issue? Include enough details if possible!
    I basically explained this in #1, but I have linked a video of the problem, as well as the file of that place with just the spawnlocation.

  3. What solutions have you thought of so far?
    As mentioned previously, I tried to copy the place and remove anything to see if it was an issue was anything else in my game, but that did not work.
BuggedPlace.rbxl (45.6 KB)

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Okay so, I was having this issue too, I believe I found the fix. Under workspace’s properties, there is a “FluidForces” property. Mine was on experimental, and when I deleted everything on an old save it still kept bouncing me. So I decided it MUST be a property I changed because I wasn’t bouncing in a new game.


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