Character refuses to move after respawning once controls have been disabled once

So, currently I’m testing how the player will (automatically) move to and from the shop, disabling controls as well to prevent interruption.
For some reason, after the controls have been disabled and re-enabled once, if the character respawns, it will refuse to move or jump.
The LocalScript that does this is parented under a ScreenGUI, which has its default properties at the moment. I can’t really figure out what could be the issue, since I doubt shopTrigger.Touched is being called more than once, so I can’t think of a solution right now…

Here’s the Touched event:

shopTrigger.Touched:Connect(function(otherPart: BasePart)
	local humanoid = getAliveHumanoidFromOtherPart(otherPart) 
	if debounce > 0 or not humanoid or not (humanoid and humanoid.Parent ~= LocalPlayer.Character) then return end
	debounce = 3 -- Prevents player from interacting with shopTrigger again. Only ticks down once inShop is false.
	inShop = true
		humanoid:MoveTo(, -27.5, 97.5)) -- Should be in front of the shop stand i think
		Chat:Chat(workspace.Shop.ShopKeep.Head, "Oh, hey, the shop isn't ready yet. Come back later.")
		-- use CFrames, dont tween Orientation directly, or character will glide into floor for some reason
		local tween = game:GetService("TweenService"):Create(humanoid.Parent.PrimaryPart,, {["CFrame"]=CFrame.lookAt(humanoid.Parent.PrimaryPart.Position, workspace.Shop.ShopKeep.HumanoidRootPart.Position)})
	humanoid:MoveTo(, -27.5, 85.5)) -- Further away, so its not touching shopTrigger
	inShop = false

I’m still fairly new to programming, so any and all help is appreciated! If you want / need the entire script, I can probably send it here, since it isn’t too big at the moment.

can i see inside the controls module?

It’s not a module I made, its the default Roblox PlayerModule I believe?

local PlayerModule = require(LocalPlayer.PlayerScripts.PlayerModule)
local Controls = PlayerModule:GetControls()

I saw this on a post, on how to disable / enable player controls using Controls:Enable() and Controls:Disable(). I’ll link back to it here if I can find it again.

Maybe try turning off the “ResetOnSpawn” Property in that screen gui?

I should’ve probably done this first-

I think that was the solution, player isn’t freezing anymore whenever I try to walk…
I had just assumed that wouldn’t help because I thought I’d need to get the Player’s character again, and now only realized, that this is a touched event, and it does that indirectly anyways

Thank you! I’ll mark this as the solution.