Character Scaling Doesnt Work

My R15 Character doesnt have scale values in the humanoid.
Any alternate ways i can use without breaking anything?
Just trying to make a button that shrinks the player, but theres no values to do so.

 local Humanoid = plr.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
if Humanoid then
for i, Child in pairs(Humanoid:GetChildren()) do

		if Child:IsA('NumberValue')then
			Child.Value = 1.5

Theres no values whatsoever.

have you tried some of the properties of the humanoid called BodyDepthScale

The script i have is above. I didnt try it. I tried

But that doesnt shrink the player. It just makes them shorter.


All it looks is this. Status and Animator.

check the properties of the humanoid

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I did. Theres no bodydepthscale.

turn off automatic scaling and if it doesnt work just size the player’s body parts

That was in play test mode, do i have to put down a humanoid description inorder to turn it off?
Also, if i turn it off while playing, it breaks the camera.

How would i size the players body parts by the way?

I’d also like to know how this works. I’m bumping this topic.

Just create the values yourself. That worked for me.