Character see-through and faces distorted weirdly - Blender

Issue: Character remaining see-through with weird face distortion
My Attempt: After trying everything I could possibly try, I still can’t get it to work. I tried multiple devforum posts like this: click here to open devforum post and tried Flipping Faces and all that stuff, still doesn’t work as wanted
Screenshot 2022-10-16 203934

Any help is appreciated! Thank you! :heart:

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I’m not on a PC so I can’t send screenshots, but your material is set to Alpha-something, it can get auto imported like that, but you need to set it to Opaque.

From memory, select your mesh, then in properties go to the material tab, it looks like a circle. In that tab, scroll down until you can find some drop downs that start with Alpha, and select Opaque on the top one.

Thank you for your help but I already did that. I stated it in the original post that I have. :slight_smile:

It might be because of inverted normals. Select everything in edit mode using “A”, and press “shift” and “n” at the same time to invert the normals.

Issue still happens but thank you for your help.

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Do you mind sending a blend file?

skepticalcharacter.blend (2.1 MB)

You need to set all of the materials’ Blend Modes to opaque, currently only 1 is set to opaque.

This is a very easy fix

You can do this in 4 easy steps

Step 1 - Click on the model.

Step 2 - Click on Materials.

Step 3 - Scroll down to " Settings ".

Step 4 - DISABLE " Show Backface. "


And that should fix it


I just change the rendering engine to cycles and that gets rid of it, and it looks better.

Thank you so much!!! This worked very well and very easily.