Character sliding off slopes

So I made a character (this guy /)

But it slides off slopes, what should I do about it?

The character is a starter character, it currently has no mass (turned on massless), have no elasticity or whatever its called (the thing that makes it bounce), and I cannot add friction to parts, as that would make it basically unable to walk.


How about a description of how you are moving it? Are you trying to move it with any type of BodyMover?
Any scripting?
Is it just sitting on the surface and sliding? Increase the Friction of the Parts.
Are the Densities of the Parts involved extremely dense, or is Massless checked off. Try adjusting these Properties.
Does the baseplate or the bottom Part of the Duck have any LinearVelocity in it?

Ok I updated it with more info

Have you tried adjusting the hip-height in the characters humanoid?

You said you can’t add friction, but you didn’t say what your friction settings are. Well if Parts have no friction then a Player will slide.
Players legs don’t actually touch the ground. As @ItsNathanity said, the HipHeight is what keeps a player off the ground. If you make the Player Parts actually hit the ground then there will be issues.

However, if you remove the player’s legs, the hip-height changes (even though there is no visible script that does so in the player, where is that script) the part and player both have friction, the default amount, and even if I make the player have max friction, it still slides off, just in a more janky way

You could send a raycast downwards apply a vector of gravity down and an opposing vector in the opposite direction of the slope to counteract gravity, it’s how a lot of character systems are designed in Unity & Unreal engine and im sure it would work in this situation.

By creating custom characters you are volunteering to create a lot of your own movement scripts, tool scripts, and interactions.

I seem to have fixed the problem simply by replacing the collision part of the body with a sphere (I got this idea from a 2D platforming tutorial for unity, where they used a circle as the player’s collision so walking up slopes wouldn’t be janky)
I still have the problem when the slope is extremely steep, but I can probably just avoid those slopes or increase their friction

Thanks to everyone for helping : D

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Would setting Humanoid.MaxSlopeAngle to combat the steep slope issue help?

Nope, max slope angle is at 89, it does nothing.
It only forces you to slide if your max slope is lower then the slope, it does NOT make you NOT slide
(Its like you have to eat food if you are hungry, but not being hungry doesn’t mean you dont have to eat food)

How do you do that everyone is saying do that but how?


oh i see. I cant remember exactly, but im pretty sure what I did was make the humanoid root part a sphere rather then a box. This doesn’t work for any tall characters, but for any character that would pretty much fit in a cube, it should work.

So make it a ball and make all the character parts collision off…? wouldnt that just make the character roll tho??

pretty sure normally a roblox char only has the HRP (and sometimes head) set with collision on, and everything has collision off.