Character Sway Effect

Hi everyone, I’d like to do a sway effect like this when moving your mouse

How could I achieve that? I saw a script online but the person writing it was like half-asleep so none of the code even worked

I tried everything I could to make it work, such as using magnitudes

Here’s the code if needed though:

local Raycast = Raycast({PlaceholderTower, currentRangeCircle})


		springAngular:Impulse((Raycast.Position - OldPosition) * math.min((Raycast.Position - OldPosition)))

		PlaceholderTower.CFrame = * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(springAngular.X))

		OldPosition = Raycast.Position

Thanks and any help would be appreciated!

I achieved a similar style by utilizing magnitude aswell. With the magnitude of the oldPosition and newPosition, I did this to calculate the CFrame angle:

local m = cFrame.Position - oldCFrame.Position -- magnitude (as a vector3)
local angle = CFrame.Angles(rad(m.Z),rad(rotation),rad(-m.X))

With this the character rotates in the correct direction, but the angle value is so small that it’s barely noticeable. Therefore it’s good having a sway variable like here; the higher the value is, the more it sways:

local sway = 30 -- sway multiplier

local m = cFrame.Position - oldCFrame.Position -- magnitude (as a vector3)
local angle = CFrame.Angles(rad(m.Z*sway),rad(rotation),rad(-m.X*sway))

Lastly to make the animation smooth, I used TweenService. Instead of setting the part’s CFrame to the desired value, I tween it. That’s the basic princips of how I recreated it.

Here is my final script, I hope it’s not too hard to understand and maybe can help you get one step further to your goal.

-- LocalScript inside StarterPlayerScripts
local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")

local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local mouse = plr:GetMouse()

local mainPart ="Part")
mainPart.Anchored = true
mainPart.CanCollide = false
mainPart.CanQuery = false
mainPart.CanTouch = false
mainPart.Size =,1,1)
mainPart.Parent = workspace

local oldCFrame = mainPart.CFrame

local rad = math.rad

-- tweakable variables
local tweenInfo =,Enum.EasingStyle.Sine) -- the more time, the slower and smoother. 
local offset =,0.5,0) -- can be used if part needs to be raised

local sway = 30 -- sway multiplier

	if not mouse.Target then return end -- return if mouse is in the sky or smth
	local cFrame =
	if cFrame ~= oldCFrame then -- If the part actually moved
		local m = cFrame.Position - oldCFrame.Position -- magnitude (as a vector3)
		local angle = CFrame.Angles(rad(m.Z*sway),0,rad(-m.X*sway))
		cFrame *= angle

		TweenService:Create(mainPart,tweenInfo,{CFrame = cFrame}):Play()
		oldCFrame = cFrame

Okay, I’ll try this.

Thanks alot, This really helped! Now my tower placing system has a sway effect.

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