Character teleporting above part when cancollide is set to false

I have a teleport system in my game which is for checkpoints. I have an attachment in each of these checkpoints because the actual checkpoint is a whole range. The attachment is where the player is teleported. The only problem is that the player is teleported above the checkpoint, which is tall, and causes the player to fall when teleporting instead of initially being on the ground. The part has cancollide false, but it of course has canTouch true, and upon turning it off causes it to teleport fine, but now the player cannot achieve the checkpoint. How can I get around this without just setting canTouch to false?


A couple ideas that may work:
Just use 2 Parts. One at the Position you want it to Teleport to, and another one with the CanTouch set for the checkpoint.
Another way might be to teleport them to the Position of the Attachment, not the actual Attachment itself.

Problem is with both of them, the part is still there, its the checkpoint part that is causing the issue, so it doesn’t really matter how I was teleported there, I’m pretty sure ill still be put above it.

Why does the checkpoint have to be so high?
As long as the script for the checkpoint registers a Part of a Player touching it properly then it shouldn’t have to be the height of the HumanoidRootPart to trigger it.

Because of different terrain heights, some parts emerge higher than others.