Character veers to one side when moving and jumping backwards, but not forwards

It appears if the character’s contents are lopsided in mass, the character will veer to one direction when moving and jumping backwards. But not when walking or jumping forwards

All limbs with regular mass(works properly):

All left limbs with Massless=true(veers slightly to the right)

Test place:
Humanoid Jumping Repro.rbxl (56.9 KB)

Expected behavior

Characters should either veer to the heavier side when moving and jumping both forwards or backwards, or ideally not veer at all when jumping and moving


Thanks for the report. We’ll follow up when we have an update for you!

Is this issue still being worked on? It has caused me a lot of grief again recently.
For example those pieces of rubble have no collision with the character, and are massless, parented to the Character, and result in my flying away if I jump. I’m pretty sure this issue is related with the bug I reported