Recently I have seen a bug on studio where I can’t turn parts in a player’s character invisible. They go invisible but a second after they turn visible again. This goes for all parts in the character, even accessories or tool handles.
I found that if I set the head of a player’s character to Transparency 1, it will appear invisible of the server however if I go to the client it will appear as Transparency 0. I haven’t had this bug previously before so I am not sure what the issue is.
This started to occur yesterday (7/24/2019) when I was fixing up a punch tool and the handle in the player was visible despite being set to Transparency 1.
It has prevented the Adonis admin’s :invisible command used in the group, Reality Playgrounds (where this is taking place). This command is used in some of our games.
I have tested this a lot and it always breaks.
Here is the code used in the :invisible command, which turns players invisible:
for i, v in next,service.GetPlayers(plr,args[1]) do -- Adonis's way of getting players from arguments
if v.Character then
for a, obj in next,v.Character:GetChildren() do
if obj:IsA("BasePart") then
obj.Transparency = 1
if obj:findFirstChild("face") then
obj.face.Transparency = 1
elseif obj:IsA("Accoutrement") and obj:findFirstChild("Handle") then
obj.Handle.Transparency = 1
elseif obj:IsA("ForceField") then
obj.Visible = false
elseif obj.Name == "Head" then
local face = obj:FindFirstChildOfClass("Decal")
if face then
face.Transparency = 1
I’m new to posting here and mainly only reading, so if I did something wrong I apologize in advance
Do you have any conflicting code attempting to force character transparency? I would’ve said that the camera script is responsible for this behaviour, but it edits LocalTransparencyModifier which is a multiplier and not a write to the character’s actual transparency.
I don’t believe so, by default this is loaded in by a module to all our games which adds certain guis to make my life easier. I will look further when I can come back on.
Yes, if I set it from the server it stays transparent on the server however in the client it is visible still.
If I set it on the client it will simply turn visible again, same how it did by server.
Sometimes if I use the :invisible command it changes the transparency then about .2 seconds after it reverts to visible. On the server however it appears as if the character is all transparent.
Here’s a video: (I apologize for lag)
You see when I check what my head’s transparency in the server is, it returns 1, despite it appearing 0 in the client.
I just removed the Admin loader from the module script and now it is working. This leads me to think it is something in Adonis causing this issue. I am going to investigate and see what this is.
I checked everything and there isn’t anything changing transparency other than the actual :invisible and :visible commands, and some cape command which has no effect on it (checked by printing). Strange, since I do not remember changing anything here.