Character Walk Animation freezes/skips with AnimationWeightedBlendFix Enabled

With AnimationWeightedBlendFix set to Enabled, the begining of a characters walk animation using default playerscripts appears to skip a few frames and temporarily pause causing an overall jittery look. This is particularly noticeable if you tap a movement key such that you rapidly start and stop.

It happens in any game with AnimationWeightedBlendFix Enabled.

I only noticed this begin to occur about a day ago, the month or so I had it enabled I never noticed this and don’t believe it was an issue looking at recordings.

First is a video with it set to Default:

And a video with AnimationWeightedBlendFix set to Enabled:

The bug can be reproduced by creating a new place and enabling the AnimationWeightedBlendFix property of workspace and testing.


Noticed this the other day, maybe two days ago. It only seems to affect my R15 character though, and not my R6 custom characters.


Thanks for the report! We’ve filed a ticket to our internal database and we’ll follow up when we have an update for you.


Look like this bug is now fixed !

Should this issue reoccur, please create a new topic for us to look into. Thanks!