CharacterAdded event not working when defined as a table value?

Hi, for some reason, when I added this CharacterAdded event to a table, it just doesn’t run, and I don’t know why. This has never happened to me and I know that because I remember using this trick a lot for OOP things, so this is kind of odd to me. Can anyone help me? Thanks!

function PlayerManager.SetSpawnPoint(spawnpoints: {}, player)
   if PlayerManager.Players[player][“SpawnpointConnection”] then

   PlayerManager.Players[player][“Spawnpoints”] = spawnpoints

--this whole CharacterAdded event doesn’t run 
   PlayerManager.Players[player][“SpawnpointConnection”] = player.CharacterAdded:Connect(function(char)
--Also I added a print AND a wait() here when debugging and still nothing showed up
      local randomSpawn =    PlayerManager.Players[player][“Spawnpoints”][math.random(1, #PlayerManager.Players[player]["Spawnpoints"])]
      player.RespawnLocation = randomSpawn
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I think you’ve forgotten :Connect() after CharacterAdded.

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Oh yeah, I already had that in the actual script, I just forgot to put it in the dev forum thing so I’ll edit the post sorry. But yeah that wasn’t the cause. Do you still have any tips or anything?

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Weird i tested it for myself, and it works perfectly fine. (i dumbed it down a little bit, but logic should still be the same)

local PlayerManager = {
	Players = {}

local i = 1

function PlayerManager.SetSpawnPoint(spawnpoints: {}, player)
	if PlayerManager.Players[player] then
		print("disconnected old one")
		i += 1

	--this whole CharacterAdded event doesn’t run 
	PlayerManager.Players[player] = player.CharacterAdded:Connect(function(char)
		print("ran new, iteration: "..i)

return PlayerManager
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local plrm = require(script.ModuleScript)

Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(plr: Player)
	plrm.SetSpawnPoint({}, plr)
	plrm.SetSpawnPoint({}, plr)
	plrm.SetSpawnPoint({}, plr)
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Hmm, do the spawn points and stuff work?
Can you try setting a spawn point and then set it again after like 10 seconds to see if you spawn on the right spawn?


Yeah so funny enough, i just realised you don’t even need a CharacterAdded event, you can just set the respawnlocation outside of it

function PlayerManager.SetSpawnPoint(spawnpoints: {}, player)
   PlayerManager.Players[player][“Spawnpoints”] = spawnpoints

   local randomSpawn = PlayerManager.Players[player][“Spawnpoints”][math.random(1, #PlayerManager.Players[player]["Spawnpoints"])]
   player.RespawnLocation = randomSpawn

Yeah, but the thing is, this is the only way to make it so you can have a player spawn at random spawn locations!

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Are you trying to spawn the player at a random RespawnLocation every time they respawn?

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Yeah, that’s basically the trick to making random spawn locations, apparently. Also I just realized the character added thing works, and that the random spawn doesn’t return nil, BUT for some reason the player still doesn’t spawn there :frowning: and sometimes the .RespawnLocation is nil when printed by sometimes it’s the correct SpawnLocation??

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Well im assuming it has to do something with the fact that ur setting the players RespawnLocation right after they spawn, you could perhaps try it on the Died event?


I did some more digging, and I found out that
If set, the player will respawn at the given SpawnLocation. This property can only be set through Lua and must contain a reference to a valid SpawnLocation, which must meet the following criteria: Descendant of Workspace SpawnLocation.TeamColor is set to the Player.TeamColor or SpawnLocation.Neutral is set to true. So basically I just had the Neutral property turned off. I thought the property meant anyone could spawn on them. Whoops… thanks for all your help though @lavasance. You spent a lot of time and effort helping so thank you so much!!! Hopefully one day I can return the favor.


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