CharacterAdded:Wait() continues to yield even after the character has been added

This is a problem I’ve been having for the last couple of days. If ‘CharacterAdded:Wait()’ is in the script, even if the character is already loaded in, it continues to yield. There are no errors what so ever. An example would be this local script:

local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
print(player.." 2")
--local event = game.ReplicatedStorage.RemoteEvent

while true do
	workspace["part 1"].Position =, 999), 500, math.random(-999, 999))
	workspace["part 2"].Position =, 999), 500, math.random(-999, 999))

	local LightningBolt = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.LightningBolt)
	local LightningSparks = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.LightningBolt.LightningSparks)
	--Create a new bolt with 40 parts
	local NewBolt =["part 1"].Attachment, workspace["part 2"].Attachment, 40)
	--Then, update properties to your liking
	NewBolt.CurveSize0, NewBolt.CurveSize1 = 10, 15
	NewBolt.PulseSpeed = 2
	NewBolt.PulseLength = 0.5
	NewBolt.FadeLength = 0.25
	NewBolt.MaxRadius = 1
	NewBolt.Color =, math.random(), math.random())
	local NewSparks =

I know that it continues to yield because, in the output, it doesn’t print my ‘O_Ogosh1 2’, which is what I told it to do after the character was loaded.

I have already looked in the developer Hub, but haven’t found anything that pertains to this, if you have a solution or saw a post that had a similar problem please do tell.

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Replace this:

For this:

Character = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait()

It doesn’t matter if you use it or not.

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Thank you very much. It works now! But, do you know why making a variable instead causes it to work properly? I just wanted to know in case I come across a similar problem again.

If the character already loaded, it will wait for it to load again. The variable gets the character if it already loaded instead of waiting


Exactly, Roblox thinks it’s a function.

Oh ok, thank you for explaining that.

It isn’t really that you need a variable for the character, it’s that you don’t need to wait for the character to spawn if it already exists.

This also works:

if (not player.Character) then
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Thank you for the feedback, I appreciate it.