CharacterAppearanceLoaded not working with LocalScripts


This is literally all I have written, sat there for 10 minutes and it never printed 2, even tho the character loads. Tried in a ServerScript and it worked instantaneously. So it’s broken in LocalScripts, or if it’s not suppose to work in LocalScripts then where was this mentioned?


If the player’s character appearance has already loaded before waiting for that event to fire, then that thing will yield forever since that event won’t fire again.

You can check if the player’s appearance has already loaded beforehand with HasAppearanceLoaded

local player = players.LocalPlayer
local character = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait()

Could this be why

Did you read my reply? No, that’s not the cause…

Huh, the problems with fast Internet.
Add some lag and it may fix this. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
(joke, sorry, couldn’t resist).

I will experiment with this when I get home though.

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I live in Australia… there is no way on Earth that fast internet is the problem


This is a bug, it has been filed in the backlog and we will fix it when possible.

For now if you further elaborate about what problem you are trying to solve then people might be able to suggest a work-around. A possible work around is to use your own RemoteEvent for this instead of using CharacterAppearanceLoaded locally.


Any ETA on the fix for this? Just ran into this same issue when listening for CharacterAppearanceLoaded on the client.


Still running into this problem as well. Is using a RemoteEvent still the only reliable workaround?

Decided to use while not character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") do wait() end but I have a feeling that this may fail every now and then.


Issue is still going on. Please fix.

Is this fixed yet, cuz I’m still having issues.

Just tuning in to say I have just experienced this issue today. I though CharacterAppearancedLoaded would work on a LocalScript, but apparently it just does nothing; it doesn’t work at all. I hope this is fixed soon.


I am also experiencing issues with CharacterAppearanceLoaded thus making it more difficult to create my inventory loading system.

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Any ETA on when this will be fixed? I think it’s still broken…

Necrobumping of thread.