CharacterMesh textures won't load/show

I’m currently trying to insert the Korblox right leg on an avatar i’ve designed in Roblox Studio, however it doesn’t seem to work right.

Image of Korblox right leg on a character

It comes out looking like this. I decided to add the korblox right arm to the character, just to see if that has it’s texture, however it doesn’t.

Image of the character with Korblox Right Leg & Right Arm

These are the properties of the CharacterMesh, downloaded directly from here, where it also seems to be glitched in the 3D preview


Obviously it doesn’t look like there is a texture, so I tried adding the texture id (902843398), and it doesn’t work either.

Pretty sure it’s just a bug with Korblox Deathspeaker and R6

Might be a case of closing studio and openning it back up.

Oh yea, it seems to work with other packages like Skeleton.