Characters appearing in wrong spots

So basically I was testing this thing I made with my friend and for some reason, my character position was bugged on his screen, I was actually right next to him inside the same room but for him, I was floating outside of it. any ideas why this could be the case?

also not sure if this is the right topic to post on so sorry if it’s the wrong one.

you dont really tell us much. without information we cant really help you. do you use any scripts that mess with character position? have you tested in studio using the Test feature to see if the issue replicates? what do you think the cause could be. you know your game better than we do. its your job when posting on here to be the expert on your game.

something in your game is doing something. go to studio and do some troubleshooting before you come back. turn scripts off one by one and see when the bug stops. then go through that script and see what you think might be the issue. when you have a suspicion let us know