CharactersFacing backwards?

For some reason, my character is facing backwards my devs and I have been trying to figure this out I simply don’t know why this is not working but uh any help is greatly appreciated

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It might be the camera angle that it’s set to, or the lack of an animation for walking.

Just rotate the parts?

Can’t really tell you why that’s happening if you don’t show at least the construct and orientation of your characters. It’s definitely got nothing to do with either the camera or animations.

All the parts are facing forward from my understanding.

Is what you’re using a StarterCharacter? If so, try checking the model to see if it’s oriented correctly.

Hey! I had the SAME problem for a good amount of time and i finally found the solution!
MAKE sure that the orientation of the “HumanoidRootPart” is set correctly. Try rotating it to -90 degrees or +90 degrees (hope it works)