Chassis Constraints

I don’t know if this is building related , but I have problems with my vehicle chassis.

I have tried lot of things, but I have trouble figuring out how to use hinges on chassis.

My chassis currently consists of prismatic constraints and they work well, but the wheels will not spin, because there is no hinges, that’s where I need your help

Thanks in advance!!!

Hey GooierApollo664!

I understand your problem and confusion. However in the future please reference the Developer Wiki first as a resource.


Links to your problem:

1: Intro/Explanation
Constraint | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

2: Application/Use
Physics | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

3: Everything in between that you’ll need for cars.
RodConstraint | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub SpringConstraint | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub HingeConstraint | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

If that doesn’t help, here are some videos.

Goodluck, cars are hard. Don’t overlook them, consider how real cars work and that’ll help you get a grasp.

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I did reference wiki as a resource but my hinges don’t work as they are supposed to.