Chat Breaking Help!

I recently released a new game called Camping. Sometimes when I join i’m unable to chat at all, and i’ve had similar complaints from other players. The chat sometimes turns semi-transparent, or the typing box just doesn’t work. I used an edited version of the chat module stuff that appears in the chat in play mode in studio to make my custom chat. Also, I’m concerned this may be unfixable since I believe the issue might be caused by lag. I believe this because the server sizes for the lobby of my game are 65, and because of the fact that it only happens SOMETIMES. I’ve also noticed that the bugs that happen sometimes and sometimes not are the trickiest to fix! Any help or advice is appreciated!!!

Code would be appreciated (and pretty much needed) to help you come to your solution.

Edit: Although I do not have experience in manipulating the default chat (which means I can’t help you), this is something that anyone who can help you would need.


Thats the default chat and I added the title module.

local players = { 
	[554744114] = {title = 'Creator', priority = 5, color = Color3.fromRGB(30, 255, 0), color0 = Color3.fromRGB(30, 255, 0)}, ---Sam
	[8721264] = {title = 'Admin', priority = 4, color = Color3.fromRGB(236, 5, 66), color0 = Color3.fromRGB(236, 5, 66)}, ---Raff
	[10482381] = {title = 'Admin', priority = 4, color = Color3.fromRGB(236, 5, 66), color0 = Color3.fromRGB(236, 5, 66)}, ---Jsm
	[66870855] = {title = 'Admin', priority = 4, color = Color3.fromRGB(236, 5, 66), color0 = Color3.fromRGB(236, 5, 66)}, ---Baba
	[430540482] = {title = 'VIP', priority = 3, color = Color3.fromRGB(255, 230, 0), color0 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 230, 0)}, ---Smooth


function sendInfo(player)
	local info = nil
	local priority = 0
	for key, value in pairs(players) do
		if player:IsInGroup(4359670) and priority == 0 then
		info = {title = "Member", color = Color3.fromRGB(20,203,240), color0 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)}
		if player.UserId == key and value.priority > priority then
			info = {title = value.title, color = value.color, color0 = value.color0}
			priority = value.priority
	return info

return sendInfo

thats the title module ^^^^

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There are much easier ways to add chat tags. To quote sircfenner from another post:

I use this system in my game and haven’t encountered any issues. You also don’t have to fork the chat modules so they can always stay up to date.