Chat Bubble Below GUI

I have an overhead UI that’s added to the character’s head after it is loaded. However, when they chat, the chat bubble shows below the UI instead of above. How do I make it so the chat bubble is layered above the UI?

Something to note, this only happens the first time the UI is added (right after the player joins). After they respawn once, this is fixed.

Script used to add UI to character:

local ui = script.Parent.OverheadUI
local players = game:GetService("Players")

		local uiClone = ui:Clone()
		uiClone.Parent = character:WaitForChild("Head")

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whats your overhead UI ZIndex?

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I don’t think ZIndex applies to this situation, I think LayoutOrder is the issue.

All of them are 1, except the username text and rank text being 2 to cover the shadow.

if you are using the new TextChatService, change the VerticalStudsOffset of the BubbleChatConfiguration until you get something that fits.



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I made something that works, try my model out, it works for me
the link is here

I want it to cover the GUI not be above it (as in having a higher ZIndex), sorry for not being clear.

the model is marked as private

Can you elaborate on what I should do with LayoutOrder? I tried setting it to -1 but it doesn’t seem to work.

If -1 doesn’t work then I don’t think that’s the issue.

Messed around for a bit and figured all I needed to do was change the Z value of StudsOffset to -0.5

Of course! How did I not think about studs offset. Good job!

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