Chat bubble is under a part

As you can see there is a weird glitch like this

It could be because the part has a decal or texture on it, and the part is transparent? This has been happening to me too for a while.

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did you find solution for it?, or do i have to make it not transparent

Right now, thats just how roblox has been working, i’ve just chosen to ignore it and hope for a fix, i dont think there’s a way to bypass it right now, maybe like, making a mesh or something? I’m not sure. Sorry!


You can always put the billbaordgui ontop, but you will be able to see it through walls


Actually, @0x6e7367 gave me an idea. If you are using a texture or decal, maybe try using a SurfaceGui and using an image label. That might fix it. Not 100% sure though.

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