Chat Bubbles in front

Is there a way to make chat bubbles appear through/on top of a specific part? Like if a player is talking behind a wall and I want other players to be able to see the chat bubbles through the wall.

Thanks, any help is appreciated…
unless you say “make the wall invisible”
the wall needs to have 0 transparency

Hello Samson! Sorry for the wait.
Sadly, no. You can’t do that. Let’s not forget that Roblox doesn’t even render Bubble Chat through clearly visible parts!

However, don’t give up on it! There is a chance: the bubble is a Billboard GUI! And this Instance has an AlwaysOnTop property. So this thing here:
Becomes this:

Easy, right? Now, it will be hard to tween it if you want to make it real, and more importantly, ask me if you’d like me to try to find the backend code that does that. Anyway, here is an .rbxm, file if you can’t find the Bubble.

Hope it helped!

I think I got a game spoiler :pensive:

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Unfortunately…unless I missed something, I already tried and that and no luck :pensive:

There’s a LocalScript inside Chat when you join the game named “BubbleChat,” which is where (I think) the BillboardGui is instanced. I tried changing the Instance’s property “AlwaysOnTop” to true…but that did not work.

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Probably there is some CoreScript forcing it to be what it was supposed to be.

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