Chat bubbles online persistent forever for players that aren't yourself

Chat bubbles online persistent forever for players that aren’t yourself. This, of course, causes UX issues with chat bubbles.

  1. Make a new game
  2. Set chat bubbles enabled by modifying the chat settings
  3. Play the game in multiplayer
  4. Say something in chat
  5. On another player, look at it, and wait for X seconds
  6. Expected result: It disappears after 10-20 seconds
  7. Actual result: Persists forever.

You can also reproduce online in this game:

By playing and chatting with someone.

local Chat = game:GetService("Chat")

local chatSettings = require(Chat:WaitForChild("ClientChatModules"):WaitForChild("ChatSettings"))

chatSettings.BubbleChatEnabled = true

This has been around for a while, at least 5-6 months is my guess.