Chat Customization Help


Is there any way to make the chat not block the touch screen thumbstick?

I am attaching a small video to illustrate the problem:

robloxapp-20200308-1720305.wmv (1.7 MB)

As you can see I can move the thumbstick around, however when I move it over the chat it is blocked. Is there any way to modify the chat to avoid this behaviour?

PS: Is there any way to upload a video and embed it directly? I can’t seem to be able to do it.


I mean you could probably disable the chat once player starts moving but that’d probably look bad. You could as well scale it down a bit or just keep it in the top left corner, players have the option to disable it anyways.

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Is there no way to make it pass through the chat?

You could try to find the touchpad or however is it called in the PlayerGui and modify it’s ZIndex?

I found a solution kind of.

When customizing the chat script go into MessageLogDisplay and change the CreateGuiObjects function. Make both the base frame and the scroller Active = false. This seems to be solving the issue so far.