Chat does not tween text stroke transparency when going transparent

PC Info: Windows 11, 23H2
Date First Experienced: 1/28/2024
Date Last Experienced: 1/28/2024

Reproduction steps:
1. Open up roblox studio and create a local script.
2. Run something like the below code to create text with stroke, inside the built-in chat

local message = '<font face="Arcade" color="#181818"> <stroke color="#651B1D" joins="miter" thickness="2" transparency="0.25">' .. "Player %s has found the Prophecy of Mephisto scroll." .. '</stroke> </font>'

3. Wait for the chat, let it to go transparent. You will see that text stroke is still visible creating bad visuals

Here is a video showing the issue:

Expected behaviour: The stroke should become fully transparent with the text.
Actual behaviour: The stroke is visible.


Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.


The problem seems to be rich text, it seems that tweening text transparency does not affect stroke transparency on rich text, would be glad if you guys can fix that.

Having this same problem. Hope it gets fixed soon :pray:


1 Like

Same issue here, can’t fade out the rich text stroke

yeahh i think RichText’s stroke feature still doesn’t get affected by the TextTransparency. I really hope they fix it but as a different solution i would recommend using UiStroke (don’t forget to make the transparencies the same when tweening or changing em)