Chat filter don't work

I’m building a donation game and I’m trying to make a filter to prevent players from saying cursed words on booths but chat fitlters don’t works.

I tried Chat:FilterStringForBroadcast(text, player) but it don’t works.
I tried TextService:FilterStringAsync(text, player.UserId) but it returns an Instance instead of a string.

What should I do to filter text?

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Are you testing this in Roblox Studio? Because the chat filter does not work in Studio, you need to be in a live server.

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I’m testing on studio but I need to know which function works.
I don’t want to get banned because people can put curse words on booths.

You have to do this in-game, Roblox Studio doesn’t have filtering. Just do it in your game.

Test in your game, alone.

Also, why wouldn’t someone just play PLS DONATE?

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Test it using a sequence of numbers that you know will be censored on the in-game chat. Do not use numbers that have an actual meaning however(for example do not test it using a real phone number).


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