Chat Filter Requests ["Row" and "Light" misinterpreted as addresses.]

Username: SpiritTracks123
Date & Time: 08/12/18 11:31 AM EST
Phrase Attempted: two in a row
Location: All (game, search, etc.)
Game / Group: N/A
Screenshot: Attached
Other: This makes no sense why this would be picked up as inappropriate unless the filter is dirty minded (which seems to be the case in most innocent contexts) because it causes communication problems such as in games where you get a ‘win streak’ and say “I won those games two in a row!” Additionally, it censors for ANY number up front, not just two; for example, saying “five in a row” also censors.

Username: RedTrain
Date & Time: This happened a while ago so I don’t have an exact date and time but it currently happens today.
Phrase Attempted: one light
Location: All (game, search, etc.)
Game / Group: N/A
Screenshot: N/A
Other: Like the request above, censoring ‘row’ because the filter sees it as an address (if it is, it’s probably never used because I don’t see ANYONE with ‘row’ as their address), the same instance applies with ‘light’. Put a number in front, maybe followed by two more words, then ‘light’ yields a censor. I took the time to look up a list of common address endings and ‘light’ was not on any of them, as if anyone lives on a literal streetlamp.


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