Chat gone but can still type in chat

How do you add this to your game?

1 Like

It would really help because I don’t like the plain chat.

Must be some custom chat script someone made (or a setting in the chat service)

Wait, what exactly are you trying to do here?

I am trying to get this chat in my game. If it’s a script or a model. If a script someone makes a script to make this @rj5054

Isn’t that just the default chat

toggle this to make it then put in chat

local PlayersService = game:GetService("Players")

local ChatService = game:GetService("Chat")

local clientChatModules = script.Parent

local ChatConstants = require(clientChatModules:WaitForChild("ChatConstants"))

local module = {}

---[[ Chat Behaviour Settings ]]

module.WindowDraggable = false

module.WindowResizable = false

module.ShowChannelsBar = false

module.GamepadNavigationEnabled = false

module.ShowUserOwnFilteredMessage = true --Show a user the filtered version of their message rather than the original.

-- Make the chat work when the top bar is off

module.ChatOnWithTopBarOff = false

module.ScreenGuiDisplayOrder = 6 -- The DisplayOrder value for the ScreenGui containing the chat.

module.ShowFriendJoinNotification = true -- Show a notification in the chat when a players friend joins the game.

--- Replace with true/false to force the chat type. Otherwise this will default to the setting on the website.

module.BubbleChatEnabled = true

module.ClassicChatEnabled = false

---[[ Chat Text Size Settings ]]

module.ChatWindowTextSize = 18

module.ChatChannelsTabTextSize = 18

module.ChatBarTextSize = 18

module.ChatWindowTextSizePhone = 14

module.ChatChannelsTabTextSizePhone = 18

module.ChatBarTextSizePhone = 14

---[[ Font Settings ]]

module.DefaultFont = Enum.Font.SourceSansBold

module.ChatBarFont = Enum.Font.SourceSansBold

----[[ Color Settings ]]

module.BackGroundColor =, 0, 0)

module.DefaultMessageColor =, 1, 1)

module.DefaultNameColor =, 1, 1)

module.ChatBarBackGroundColor =, 0, 0)

module.ChatBarBoxColor =, 1, 1)

module.ChatBarTextColor =, 0, 0)

module.ChannelsTabUnselectedColor =, 0, 0)

module.ChannelsTabSelectedColor =, 30/255, 30/255)

module.DefaultChannelNameColor = Color3.fromRGB(35, 76, 142)

module.WhisperChannelNameColor = Color3.fromRGB(102, 14, 102)

module.ErrorMessageTextColor = Color3.fromRGB(245, 50, 50)

---[[ Window Settings ]]

module.MinimumWindowSize =, 0, 0.25, 0)

module.MaximumWindowSize =, 0, 1, 0) -- if you change this to be greater than full screen size, weird things start to happen with size/position bounds checking.

module.DefaultWindowPosition =, 0, 0, 0)

local extraOffset = (7 * 2) + (5 * 2) -- Extra chatbar vertical offset

module.DefaultWindowSizePhone =, 0, 0.5, extraOffset)

module.DefaultWindowSizeTablet =, 0, 0.3, extraOffset)

module.DefaultWindowSizeDesktop =, 0, 0.25, extraOffset)

---[[ Fade Out and In Settings ]]

module.ChatWindowBackgroundFadeOutTime = 0.5 --Chat background will fade out after this many seconds.

module.ChatWindowTextFadeOutTime = 30 --Chat text will fade out after this many seconds.

module.ChatDefaultFadeDuration = 0.8

module.ChatShouldFadeInFromNewInformation = false

module.ChatAnimationFPS = 20.0

---[[ Channel Settings ]]

module.GeneralChannelName = "All" -- You can set to nil to turn off echoing to a general channel.

module.EchoMessagesInGeneralChannel = true -- Should messages to channels other than general be echoed into the general channel.

-- Setting this to false should be used with ShowChannelsBar

module.ChannelsBarFullTabSize = 4 -- number of tabs in bar before it starts to scroll

module.MaxChannelNameLength = 12

--// Although this feature is pretty much ready, it needs some UI design still.

module.RightClickToLeaveChannelEnabled = false

module.MessageHistoryLengthPerChannel = 50

-- Show the help text for joining and leaving channels. This is not useful unless custom channels have been added.

-- So it is turned off by default.

module.ShowJoinAndLeaveHelpText = false

---[[ Message Settings ]]

module.MaximumMessageLength = 200

module.DisallowedWhiteSpace = {"\n", "\r", "\t", "\v", "\f"}

module.ClickOnPlayerNameToWhisper = true

module.ClickOnChannelNameToSetMainChannel = true

module.BubbleChatMessageTypes = {ChatConstants.MessageTypeDefault, ChatConstants.MessageTypeWhisper}

---[[ Misc Settings ]]

module.WhisperCommandAutoCompletePlayerNames = true

local ChangedEvent ="BindableEvent")

local proxyTable = setmetatable({},


__index = function(tbl, index)

return module[index]


__newindex = function(tbl, index, value)

module[index] = value

ChangedEvent:Fire(index, value)



rawset(proxyTable, "SettingsChanged", ChangedEvent.Event)

return proxyTable

It’s quite simple in the Exploer go to Chat, then click the box where it says show default chat.

No, this is the default chatimage

Do, I add events or is it a local script because I put it in the chat as a script in the explorer and it’s still the same. @Talls_Smols

Use this script

The script he had should look like this

1 Like

so copy the above script in a module script and replace the 50 with 0 put in a folder named ClientChatModules

1 Like

Did it work @tysyaka? if it did please put solutionon.

image Still deafult. @Talls_Smols

local PlayersService = game:GetService(“Players”)

local ChatService = game:GetService(“Chat”)

local clientChatModules = script.Parent

local ChatConstants = require(clientChatModules:WaitForChild(“ChatConstants”))

local module = {}

—[[ Chat Behaviour Settings ]]

module.WindowDraggable = false

module.WindowResizable = false

module.ShowChannelsBar = false

module.GamepadNavigationEnabled = false

module.ShowUserOwnFilteredMessage = true --Show a user the filtered version of their message rather than the original.

– Make the chat work when the top bar is off

module.ChatOnWithTopBarOff = false

module.ScreenGuiDisplayOrder = 6 – The DisplayOrder value for the ScreenGui containing the chat.

module.ShowFriendJoinNotification = true – Show a notification in the chat when a players friend joins the game.

— Replace with true/false to force the chat type. Otherwise this will default to the setting on the website.

module.BubbleChatEnabled = true

module.ClassicChatEnabled = false

—[[ Chat Text Size Settings ]]

module.ChatWindowTextSize = 18

module.ChatChannelsTabTextSize = 18

module.ChatBarTextSize = 18

module.ChatWindowTextSizePhone = 14

module.ChatChannelsTabTextSizePhone = 18

module.ChatBarTextSizePhone = 14

—[[ Font Settings ]]

module.DefaultFont = Enum.Font.SourceSansBold

module.ChatBarFont = Enum.Font.SourceSansBold

----[[ Color Settings ]]

module.BackGroundColor =, 0, 0)

module.DefaultMessageColor =, 1, 1)

module.DefaultNameColor =, 1, 1)

module.ChatBarBackGroundColor =, 0, 0)

module.ChatBarBoxColor =, 1, 1)

module.ChatBarTextColor =, 0, 0)

module.ChannelsTabUnselectedColor =, 0, 0)

module.ChannelsTabSelectedColor =, 30/255, 30/255)

module.DefaultChannelNameColor = Color3.fromRGB(35, 76, 142)

module.WhisperChannelNameColor = Color3.fromRGB(102, 14, 102)

module.ErrorMessageTextColor = Color3.fromRGB(245, 50, 50)

—[[ Window Settings ]]

module.MinimumWindowSize =, 0, 0.25, 0)

module.MaximumWindowSize =, 0, 1, 0) – if you change this to be greater than full screen size, weird things start to happen with size/position bounds checking.

module.DefaultWindowPosition =, 0, 0, 0)

local extraOffset = (7 * 2) + (5 * 2) – Extra chatbar vertical offset

module.DefaultWindowSizePhone =, 0, 0.5, extraOffset)

module.DefaultWindowSizeTablet =, 0, 0.3, extraOffset)

module.DefaultWindowSizeDesktop =, 0, 0.25, extraOffset)

—[[ Fade Out and In Settings ]]

module.ChatWindowBackgroundFadeOutTime = 0.5 --Chat background will fade out after this many seconds.

module.ChatWindowTextFadeOutTime = 30 --Chat text will fade out after this many seconds.

module.ChatDefaultFadeDuration = 0.8

module.ChatShouldFadeInFromNewInformation = false

module.ChatAnimationFPS = 20.0

—[[ Channel Settings ]]

module.GeneralChannelName = “All” – You can set to nil to turn off echoing to a general channel.

module.EchoMessagesInGeneralChannel = true – Should messages to channels other than general be echoed into the general channel.

– Setting this to false should be used with ShowChannelsBar

module.ChannelsBarFullTabSize = 4 – number of tabs in bar before it starts to scroll

module.MaxChannelNameLength = 12

–// Although this feature is pretty much ready, it needs some UI design still.

module.RightClickToLeaveChannelEnabled = false

module.MessageHistoryLengthPerChannel = 0

– Show the help text for joining and leaving channels. This is not useful unless custom channels have been added.

– So it is turned off by default.

module.ShowJoinAndLeaveHelpText = false

—[[ Message Settings ]]

module.MaximumMessageLength = 200

module.DisallowedWhiteSpace = {“\n”, “\r”, “\t”, “\v”, “\f”}

module.ClickOnPlayerNameToWhisper = true

module.ClickOnChannelNameToSetMainChannel = true

module.BubbleChatMessageTypes = {ChatConstants.MessageTypeDefault, ChatConstants.MessageTypeWhisper}

—[[ Misc Settings ]]

module.WhisperCommandAutoCompletePlayerNames = true

local ChangedEvent =“BindableEvent”)

local proxyTable = setmetatable({},


__index = function(tbl, index)

	return module[index]


__newindex = function(tbl, index, value)

	module[index] = value

	ChangedEvent:Fire(index, value)



rawset(proxyTable, “SettingsChanged”, ChangedEvent.Event)

return proxyTable

The script needs to be a module script

local PlayersService = game:GetService("Players")

local ChatService = game:GetService("Chat")

local clientChatModules = script.Parent

local ChatConstants = require(clientChatModules:WaitForChild("ChatConstants"))

local module = {}

---[[ Chat Behaviour Settings ]]

module.WindowDraggable = false

module.WindowResizable = false

module.ShowChannelsBar = false

module.GamepadNavigationEnabled = false

module.ShowUserOwnFilteredMessage = true --Show a user the filtered version of their message rather than the original.

-- Make the chat work when the top bar is off

module.ChatOnWithTopBarOff = false

module.ScreenGuiDisplayOrder = 6 -- The DisplayOrder value for the ScreenGui containing the chat.

module.ShowFriendJoinNotification = true -- Show a notification in the chat when a players friend joins the game.

--- Replace with true/false to force the chat type. Otherwise this will default to the setting on the website.

module.BubbleChatEnabled = true

module.ClassicChatEnabled = false

---[[ Chat Text Size Settings ]]

module.ChatWindowTextSize = 18

module.ChatChannelsTabTextSize = 18

module.ChatBarTextSize = 18

module.ChatWindowTextSizePhone = 14

module.ChatChannelsTabTextSizePhone = 18

module.ChatBarTextSizePhone = 14

---[[ Font Settings ]]

module.DefaultFont = Enum.Font.SourceSansBold

module.ChatBarFont = Enum.Font.SourceSansBold

----[[ Color Settings ]]

module.BackGroundColor =, 0, 0)

module.DefaultMessageColor =, 1, 1)

module.DefaultNameColor =, 1, 1)

module.ChatBarBackGroundColor =, 0, 0)

module.ChatBarBoxColor =, 1, 1)

module.ChatBarTextColor =, 0, 0)

module.ChannelsTabUnselectedColor =, 0, 0)

module.ChannelsTabSelectedColor =, 30/255, 30/255)

module.DefaultChannelNameColor = Color3.fromRGB(35, 76, 142)

module.WhisperChannelNameColor = Color3.fromRGB(102, 14, 102)

module.ErrorMessageTextColor = Color3.fromRGB(245, 50, 50)

---[[ Window Settings ]]

module.MinimumWindowSize =, 0, 0.25, 0)

module.MaximumWindowSize =, 0, 1, 0) -- if you change this to be greater than full screen size, weird things start to happen with size/position bounds checking.

module.DefaultWindowPosition =, 0, 0, 0)

local extraOffset = (7 * 2) + (5 * 2) -- Extra chatbar vertical offset

module.DefaultWindowSizePhone =, 0, 0.5, extraOffset)

module.DefaultWindowSizeTablet =, 0, 0.3, extraOffset)

module.DefaultWindowSizeDesktop =, 0, 0.25, extraOffset)

---[[ Fade Out and In Settings ]]

module.ChatWindowBackgroundFadeOutTime = 0.5 --Chat background will fade out after this many seconds.

module.ChatWindowTextFadeOutTime = 30 --Chat text will fade out after this many seconds.

module.ChatDefaultFadeDuration = 0.8

module.ChatShouldFadeInFromNewInformation = false

module.ChatAnimationFPS = 20.0

---[[ Channel Settings ]]

module.GeneralChannelName = "All" -- You can set to nil to turn off echoing to a general channel.

module.EchoMessagesInGeneralChannel = true -- Should messages to channels other than general be echoed into the general channel.

-- Setting this to false should be used with ShowChannelsBar

module.ChannelsBarFullTabSize = 4 -- number of tabs in bar before it starts to scroll

module.MaxChannelNameLength = 12

--// Although this feature is pretty much ready, it needs some UI design still.

module.RightClickToLeaveChannelEnabled = false

module.MessageHistoryLengthPerChannel = 0

-- Show the help text for joining and leaving channels. This is not useful unless custom channels have been added.

-- So it is turned off by default.

module.ShowJoinAndLeaveHelpText = false

---[[ Message Settings ]]

module.MaximumMessageLength = 200

module.DisallowedWhiteSpace = {"\n", "\r", "\t", "\v", "\f"}

module.ClickOnPlayerNameToWhisper = true

module.ClickOnChannelNameToSetMainChannel = true

module.BubbleChatMessageTypes = {ChatConstants.MessageTypeDefault, ChatConstants.MessageTypeWhisper}

---[[ Misc Settings ]]

module.WhisperCommandAutoCompletePlayerNames = true

local ChangedEvent ="BindableEvent")

local proxyTable = setmetatable({},


__index = function(tbl, index)

return module[index]


__newindex = function(tbl, index, value)

module[index] = value

ChangedEvent:Fire(index, value)



rawset(proxyTable, "SettingsChanged", ChangedEvent.Event)

return proxyTable

Still not working… Idk why…

send a screen shot of where you put it please


there you go @Talls_Smols I did exactly what you said to do.