Chat message prefix

Is is possible to add a “prefix” in the message of someone replacing the asterix, if you don’t understand read this exemple :

in a normal chat :
Sending this message) * sneeze
Appear) hollaquetalBRUH : * sneeze

With the script :
Sending this message) * sneeze
Appear) hollaquetalBRUH : hollaquetalBRUH has sneeze

I just don’t know how i can block a message or not and replace the asterix by another string.


you can use the

string.split(msg," ")

for this
which will give you a table with as many spaces are in the command for example:

		local split_result = string.split(msg," ")
		if split_result[1] == '*' and split_result[2] == 'sneeze' then
			--do whatever

i dont know how you could block a message, maybe look around on the dev forum for that

edit: maybe this? Prevent a Chat from sending - #7 by DasKairo

That not the problem i know how to do this but the problem is, how i can modify a message of someone in the chat to replace the “*” ?

Perhaps? This may be of use?

Sadly not “Customizing In-Experience Text Chat” can only modify the appearance

I think this is probably what you’re looking for