Chat not appearing right

Bug is occurring in one of my games (plus a few other peoples places) seemingly on previously published games with the Bubble chat turned on, but with the option to turn it off or put the Chat into Classic mode removed it makes it impossible to fix. To also note, I have nothing inside the Chat Service. I have tried everything under the sun to fix this with no solution.

As you can see, ClassicChat is enabled, while BubbleChat is disabled

However, this is how chat appears in game

As you can see, it’s only BubbleChat and the Chat bar is up against the TopBar.

When you conduct the commands in the command bar, it does not set it in your game, even after you do the commands.




In the command bar, it shows them as enabled in studio, but when you publish the game it does not work.


I don’t think this is a bug. I checked the wiki page for this function, and it says this:

This function is used internally when the chat mode is set by the game.

The only way to enable bubble chat in your game right now seems to be this.

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That seemed to work; however in the script it has this:

module.BubbleChatEnabled = PlayersService.BubbleChat

module.ClassicChatEnabled = PlayersService.ClassicChat

Which should be false for Bubble and true for Classic. But it’s not seemingly getting the PlayersService chat properties

When your game starts up, these properties will be set by the function you tried using above internally to whatever the settings are on the site. Whenever your game starts up, it will no longer matter what you did with these properties in studio because they will be set in every server internally. That is why games which had bubble chat or both before the change to remove the setting from the configure page don’t need to modify this module.

Actually, I think this is the code you should use (and is recommended).

local Chat = game:GetService("Chat")
local function setUpChatWindow() 
    return { BubbleChatEnabled = true }
Chat:RegisterChatCallback(Enum.ChatCallbackType.OnCreatingChatWindow, setUpChatWindow)

This was originally posted on the post stating the setting’s removal.

I was worried that this code would be lost, and was told that this would be expressed in lots of places- seems that unfortunately that hasn’t happened. :frowning_face:

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The very first response to that thread says that code doesn’t work anymore, and from testing myself I can say it didn’t work for me. If this is the code we are still supposed to use, then they need to fix it. But I would rather just get a new way to turn it on that is more user-friendly than this method, since it’s already (seemingly) broken anyway.

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Missed that edit completely. I do see now that bubble chat support is really missing on the developer hub. Maybe a post should be created in #platform-feedback:documentation-requests for it so issues like this don’t keep coming up?

I would say an #platform-feedback:engine-features post, if you want to make one. We need a setting that’s very accessible to as many users as possible (probably Chat service checkboxes). The method you posted was a strange way to just change some simple settings, and I don’t think it’s worth fixing when we can just get something better.

Anyway, this thread is way off topic now and seems to be solved. @NinjoOnline I suggest requesting a lead top contributor to close this thread, since it’s served its purpose.

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