Chat sometimes doesn't get loaded into PlayerScripts in Studio

This appears to be exactly the same issue as this bug from last 2019: Chat not appearing in Studio

Seemingly at random, the chat scripts (BubbleChat and ChatScript) do not get copied into the Player’s PlayerScripts when doing a Play Solo test. The button in topbar is there, but it does nothing as there is no GUI for it to toggle. The problem can be fixed within a Play Solo session by manually copying the scripts into the Player’s PlayerScripts.

I have only noticed this happening within the past week, although I just came back from a break so it may have started a little further back.


Thats been happening to me as well, but the way that seems to work is just to reopen studio that always works for me lol

Open a new baseplate and try it. This has also been happening to me, but only in my old places. I restarted studio and opened a new baseplate and the chat was fine there, but not in all my older ones.

This has been happening to me too, the most frustrated part about this is it only happen sometimes (like 80% of the times), I hope this gets fixed asap as I have chat commands to test certain things in my game (although there are some alternatives).

This happened in a baseplate after me retrying it for 3 times.

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I have had the same issue where the chat will not load at all when playing in testing mode in studio. It happens nearly every single time and it’s very frustrating.


Same thing has been happening to me, It won’t work at any places that I open up. Hope they can fix this issue speedy.

Thank you for reporting. We’ve submitted a fix. This will be fixed early next week.


I would recommend using a Script in ServerScriptService.

local Chat = game:GetService("Chat")
Chat.BubbleChatEnabled = true

if Chat.BubbleChatEnabled == true then

This issue should be resolved! If this issue is still occurring, please create a new topic for us to look into.

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