I have searched through devforum for any similar threads which are either not solved or have unknown causes.
- The first case is chat spacing when changing resolution. As I’ve read in similar posts, as far as I’ve seen they have not come up with any solution yet to solve this issue. This happens even in an empty baseplate (any games you create).
- type some lines in the chat
- resize your screen
- when its resized back to normal again this happens
Intended behaviour:
After resizing the screen, and back to normal this happens:
- The second issue is textscaling which appears correctly on all emulators in studio but when you test with your own touch devices it goes out of dimensions.
Here you can see the emulator iphone7 that roblox provides in studio. I assume all scaling are correcty because studio scales the text according to resolution properly:
I have marked the sizes in red of the textlabels to tell you that the text inside should not be larger than the box
Underneath you see my actual iphone7 in use. The text are out of bounder even though it works perfectly in emulators. We can see that the text are outside of the red boxes in the previous image
- The third issue comes from visual glitch with the animation+networkownership. I have debugged it and it seems the issues comes from usage of bones to animate (often people do this to animate size of objects) while setting networkownership to the client. The bug happens when you create a model (containing bone objects) and give networkownership to the client to render it around.
When I delete these bones objects the issue seems to be gone
Here is a video explaining my steps to debug this issue. The pets doesnt contain this bone object hence I concluded the cause.
Thank you in advance for helping me debug the issues.