Chat suddenly stopped working

  1. What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!
    I need the chat to work again.
  2. What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!
    The chat suddenly stopped working.
  3. What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub?
    I’ve tried looking through my scripts that might affect the system but I couldn’t find any
    This bug does not lett me talk with other players on Roblox. It only seems to be an issue with the games I have updated recently or newly created, I have gone into my old maps and they work fine.

It happens to my game:

Here is s GIF of my issue
I was spamming the enter key but it wouldn’t work.

This happened a few days ago when I was trying to play the game with my friends. and the game is now unplayable

Hey! This actually happened to one of my old games, and I found out it was due to a virus. Could you please list the plugins you own, and have you inserted free models in your game? Free models can sometimes insert viruses in your game. I recommend you look in the games scripts, and see if there are any scripts that are one line long, and a pretty long script in just one line ( this is a form of obfuscation ) any code like that delete ( guessing you didn’t make them ).


Ok let me look though my explorer

Any news? The likelyhood is that it is a virus from a plug-in or freemodel.

So I suspected that it was a plugin and I removed all of them but it still happens.

Not absolutely certain, but this may have something to do with yesterday’s Roblox-wide outage.

If you’re not familiar with what happened, this outage affected the entirety of Studio, game clients, friends, and web chat; and to my knowledge, the damage is still being reversed.

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Yes I am familiar with yesterdays event but this was a problem before that.

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I am looking for scripts but I have no luck finding any, also I think I haven’t inserted any types of free models before this broke.

How long would you say this has been happening?

This has nothing to do with their outage, as Roblox said everything has been fixed and has recovered.
And @clash_ofsss plugins can be the cause too, what plugins do you have? To add to this, do you have any custom chat system implemented? Can you screen shot what is in chat?

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Around 4-5 days now, should I try to revert to an older version of the game?

That would probably be the best option.
If it still doesn’t work, I would suggest reinstalling Roblox, as this could be an issue with your client.

those are my plugins

This is what he told me when I thought it was an engine bug and requested a post-approval.
but I am unsure of what he means.

I think what he means is that one of your scripts may be interfering with the chat client, as this issue is not being encountered by anyone else.

Temporarily disable all of your scripts and try using the chat.


So I reverted back and guess what it started to work. I’ll try to keep on finding what was the cause.

Thanks for your help


But here’s the thing what happens if you don’t want to revert the game due to your progress that you was making is now being lost as you reverted backwards. Is there any solution other than reverting the game?

What did you do before the chat disappeared?

Is the chat button gone on the top bar?