Chat System: Am I using the best practice here?

I want my chat to have stylized chat bubbles, and the default bubble chat service doesn’t really match what I’m going for, it doesn’t align with my name tag. So I made a custom bubble chat within my name tag script. I don’t know how stable this is, or if I should use a different approach (Like, I was thinking of forking it from TextChatService.MessageReceived, and displaying it, if it’s the player’s message, that way I don’t have to reinvent the chat filter). I also don’t know how vulnerable this is to exploits.

I would also like to mention that there’s a character select as well, that spawns the character you’ve chosen into workspace under it’s name.

local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local TextService = game:GetService("TextService")
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local Debris = game:GetService("Debris")

local logicFolder = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Util")
local AttachmentRely = logicFolder:WaitForChild("AttachmentReliant")
local NameTagTemplate = AttachmentRely:WaitForChild("Nametag")
local MsgTemplate = script:WaitForChild("Msg")

		local head = character:FindFirstChild("Head")
		if not head then return end
		local nameTag = NameTagTemplate:Clone()
		nameTag.Parent = head
		nameTag.BillboardGui.User.Text = player.Name.." ("..character.Name..")"
			local success, filteredMessage = pcall(function()
				return TextService:FilterStringAsync(message, player.UserId):GetNonChatStringForBroadcastAsync()
			if success and filteredMessage then
				local existingMsg = nameTag.BillboardGui:FindFirstChild("Msg")
				if existingMsg then existingMsg:Destroy() end
				local msg = MsgTemplate:Clone()
				msg.Name = "Msg"
				msg.Text = filteredMessage
				msg.Parent = nameTag.BillboardGui
				msg.Visible = true
				Debris:AddItem(msg, 3)

It looks great, and props to you for using TextService flitering. It wouldn’t necessarily be vulnerable to exploits as most exploits directly fire the remote event for chatting. However longer texts might be super tiny. Perhaps you should implement something to increase the size of the message box if the message is large?