Chat tags you can toggle on and off for admins devs owners etc

I am trying to get chat tags were you can toggle them on and off. Lets say a admin just wanted to play the game and not have his tag on.

I’m not sure how to make this. Can one of you help?

I have tryed to lookthis up on dev forum and youtube but have found nothing.

To toggle you could say !tagon or !tagoff.

I am not asking anyone to make a script for me but I just want to know is there a way to do this and do you have any tips on how to make this happen?

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This post has the documentation for my resource and you can learn more about how it works.

Something like this?

local chatPlus = ... --> Require path to module here
local admins = {648155081} --> I put your UserId on here already
local adminTag = chatPlus:newTag({
	["tagText"] = "Admin",
	["tagColor"] = Color3.fromRGB(255,0,0)

local enable = function(plr)

local disable = function(plr)

	if(table.find(admins,plr.UserId)) then
			if(message == "!tagon") then --> Tag enable
			elseif(message == "!tagoff") then --> Tag disable

I only made a script because it’s very easy with my module. If you find any bugs, don’t hesitate reporting it to me.


Yes this is what I needed! Thank you so much. Have a great day and sorry for the late reply!

Also does this only work with your Chat+ or does it also work in roblox’s reg chat?

Sorry for asking so much I am new to all of this. What does Require path to module here mean?

Insert the Chat+ Module he made into ReplicatedStorage and make the “chatPlus” variable equal to

require(game.ReplicatedStorage. --name of module)

This just makes a variable equal to the module so you can use the functions in the module

I am a bit lost. Here is what I have. Screenshot 2021-12-06 182511

replace local chatPlus = ... --> Require path to module here with local chatPlus = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.chatPlus)

So that is what I would put in Require path to module here. And did I put all the scripts in the right place?

Yes, I think so. Tell me if it doesn’t work. :slight_smile:

Yes it worked! Thank you so much for your help! Screenshot 2021-12-06 184124

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