Hello I was trying to make a chat tag system with ai and it won’t work. I have done so many prototype and it won’t work. Can you please help me?
I Really would appreciate it!
local ChatTag = {
['Main'] = {
['Groupid'] = 1234
['Tags'] = {
['VipDog'] = {
['Rank'] = 100,
['TagText'] = "✨Vip Dog",
['TagC'] = Color3.fromRGB(119, 237, 72),
['NameC'] = Color3.fromRGB(179, 182, 183),
['ChatC'] = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255),
['priority'] = 1
['Supporter'] = {
['Rank'] = 101,
['TagText'] = "⭐️Supporter",
['TagC'] = Color3.fromRGB(234, 231, 1),
['NameC'] = Color3.fromRGB(179, 182, 183),
['ChatC'] = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255),
['priority'] = 2
['Partner'] = {
['Rank'] = 110,
['TagText'] = "🔥Partner",
['TagC'] = Color3.fromRGB(255, 140, 7),
['NameC'] = Color3.fromRGB(255, 213, 7),
['ChatC'] = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255),
['priority'] = 3
['Affiliate'] = {
['Rank'] = 111,
['TagText'] = "🛠️Affiliate",
['TagC'] = Color3.fromRGB(131, 254, 236),
['NameC'] = Color3.fromRGB(179, 182, 183),
['ChatC'] = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255),
['priority'] = 4
['Moderator'] = {
['Rank'] = 200,
['TagText'] = "🔧Moderator",
['TagC'] = Color3.fromRGB(225, 169, 245),
['NameC'] = Color3.fromRGB(179, 182, 183),
['ChatC'] = Color3.fromRGB(216, 193, 229),
['priority'] = 5
['Admin'] = {
['Rank'] = 202,
['TagText'] = "🛠️Admin",
['TagC'] = Color3.fromRGB(155, 29, 240),
['NameC'] = Color3.fromRGB(179, 182, 183),
['ChatC'] = Color3.fromRGB(216, 193, 229),
['priority'] = 6
['CommunityManager'] = {
['Rank'] = 203,
['TagText'] = "🌴Community manager",
['TagC'] = Color3.fromRGB(42, 240, 189),
['NameC'] = Color3.fromRGB(42, 240, 189),
['ChatC'] = Color3.fromRGB(204, 255, 231),
['priority'] = 7
['HeadofStaff'] = {
['Rank'] = 212,
['TagText'] = "🛠️Head of Staff",
['TagC'] = Color3.fromRGB(155, 29, 240),
['NameC'] = Color3.fromRGB(179, 182, 183),
['ChatC'] = Color3.fromRGB(216, 193, 229),
['priority'] = 8
['President'] = {
['Rank'] = 214,
['TagText'] = "🛠️President",
['TagC'] = Color3.fromRGB(155, 29, 240),
['NameC'] = Color3.fromRGB(179, 182, 183),
['ChatC'] = Color3.fromRGB(216, 193, 229),
['priority'] = 9
['Developer2'] = {
['Rank'] = 253,
['TagText'] = "🔨Developer",
['TagC'] = Color3.fromRGB(255, 38, 0),
['NameC'] = Color3.fromRGB(43, 131, 255),
['ChatC'] = Color3.fromRGB(255, 81, 26),
['priority'] = 10
['Developer'] = {
['Rank'] = 254,
['TagText'] = "🔨Developer",
['TagC'] = Color3.fromRGB(255, 38, 0),
['NameC'] = Color3.fromRGB(43, 131, 255),
['ChatC'] = Color3.fromRGB(255, 81, 26),
['priority'] = 11
['God'] = {
['Rank'] = 255,
['TagText'] = "⚡God",
['TagC'] = Color3.fromRGB(255, 251, 0),
['NameC'] = Color3.fromRGB(255, 64, 255),
['ChatC'] = Color3.fromRGB(210, 203, 94),
['priority'] = 12
return ChatTag
local ChatService = game:GetService("Chat")
local ChatTag = require(script.Parent.TagModule)
-- Define default colors for when the rank doesn't have corresponding tag data
local defaultNameColor = Color3.fromRGB(179, 182, 183)
local defaultChatColor = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)
if player:IsInGroup(ChatTag.Main.Groupid) then
local playerRank = player:GetRankInGroup(ChatTag.Main.Groupid)
print("Player Rank:", playerRank) -- Print the player's rank for debugging
local tags = {}
-- Iterate through the tags and check if the rank matches
for _, tagData in pairs(ChatTag.Tags) do
if tagData.Rank and tagData.Rank <= playerRank then
local tag = {
TagText = tagData.TagText,
TagColor = tagData.TagC,
Priority = tagData.priority
table.insert(tags, tag)
-- Sort tags based on priority
table.sort(tags, function(a, b)
return a.Priority < b.Priority
for _, tag in ipairs(tags) do
print(" ", tag.TagText) -- Print the tags for debugging
local speakerName = player.Name .. "_ChatSpeaker"
local speaker = ChatService:GetSpeaker(speakerName)
if not speaker then
speaker = ChatService:AddSpeaker(speakerName)
speaker:SetExtraData("Tags", tags)
if tags[#tags] then
speaker:SetExtraData("NameColor", tags[#tags].TagColor)
speaker:SetExtraData("ChatColor", tags[#tags].TagColor)
-- Set default colors if no corresponding tag data is found
speaker:SetExtraData("NameColor", defaultNameColor)
speaker:SetExtraData("ChatColor", defaultChatColor)
Thank you