Chatbot: A virtual assistant Made in Roblox Studio

Hello everyone, I made a robot that can reply back to people. This robot can be programmed by humans. You have to click the “Code” button and insert a question and an answer.

For example: Question: “Hey” - Answer: “Hi, I’m Chatbot!”

If you replay the game, if you press the “Chat” button and type in “Hey” it will reply with “Hi, I’m Chatbot!”

If you put other answers, the robot will still reply with the first answer unless there are more people who put other answers such as “Hello”.

This is just a simple A.I I made that I would appreciate feedback on.

Here is the game: Chatbot - Roblox

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had a go but did not get a response when I clicked on Chat button.
What was supposed to happen?

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It would be very impressive if there is a feature that compiles different answers from all players
and tries to give you the most reliable or common without you having to input it.

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Well, like I said, you have to program the A.I first.

That’s true. I don’t think there’s a feature like this, sadly. Still, I’ll try to do some research about this. Thanks for the input.

UPDATE: Added more stuff. I programmed it a little so you can talk to it, try typing “Hello” and “How are you?”!

It doesn’t work. The coding thing doesn’t even work. You can’t type anything.

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You’re pretty rude. (char char char)

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Im telling you a bug. Your game isn’t functional.

Well it works. I tested it myself. If you press the Chat button and say Hello it will respond.

OOHH just tested it. It does work. I thought you had to type it into the chat box. Not roblocx chat. Make it so you can chat with the robot via gui since its a bit confusing. Un-Disliked.

Oh, that’s what you meant. Thanks for the feedback

The way you said “disliked” is quite disrespectul and isn’t encouraging to the OP. Instead, say something useful, or say nothing.

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