ChatMakeSystemMessage FontSize Not Changing Font Size

I’m just trying to make a basic System chat to help people and give tips, but for some reason,

	game:GetService("StarterGui"):SetCore("ChatMakeSystemMessage", { 
   		Text = prefix .. Messages[i];
   		Color =, 1, 0); 
   		Font = Enum.Font.SourceSansBold;
		FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size42;


is not changing the FontSize. It stays at Size18, no matter what size it is set to in the script. Other than that, it works just fine.


I just looked at the wiki documentation and it seems to be a documentation error. The wiki refers to the value as FontSize, but I just looked at the client chat code, and It accepts a value called TextSize instead.

Wiki Documentation


Try defining TextSize instead. It should work.


You may need to use a number instead of the Enum since TextSize accepts a number instead of fixed Enums. The documentations should probably be updated.

TextSize worked. Thanks.

Someone might wanna update that though.

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