ChatMakeSystemMessage not sending any message?

the title says all, SetCore("ChatMakeSystemMessage") isn’t working, idk if it is deprecated or something, but i’m using this:

	Text = "[Server]: "..player.." ended the figure at "..roundTime.." Seconds!",
	Color =, 1, 0),
	Font = Enum.Font.SourceSansBold,
	TextSize = 18

thanks to anyone who replies :DD

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TLDR: local script only show up locally, srver script to show for everyone


what are you actually trying to achieve with this i dont think you can run that function on the starterGUI

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forgot to mention that the remote event on serverside fires to all the clients


i’ve seen other posts that use this method and they work

Could you send the message on the server instead? You can use uh… i think they’re called Bindable Functions/Events. Lemme check

Edit: yes they are

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yeah, but as i know, you can’t manipulate GUI’s from server-side

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Just send the message on the server then do whatever you need to do with GUI on the cleint

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are you sure the event is firing. try printing something inside the function see if it prints to let you know that the event is firing


yup i checked if the event was firing, and yes it is

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but this is kinda useless right? since i’m already getting the info from the server with the remote event
sending the info to another server side script with bindable events wouldn’t make any difference i think

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its working for me so i think your event isnt firing

are there any errors in the output?

(edit) do you mind providing the server script

spotted an error
do: player.Name

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wow that’s weird, when i try it on my game it doesn’t work, as i know the server does send the message since i already checked with a print, so it could be the client that isnt receiving the event

i’m just using player since on server-side i send the name of the player, and not the player itself.
i tried changing it anyways and it just threw an error

is round time a string or is it an object
perhaps roundTime.Value or roundTime.Name

also have you corrected the player to player.Name

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the player on my script is basically the name of the player, so it doesn’t need to be player.Name, and roundNumber is basically just a number, ill try using tostring() to see if this fixes anything

you just needa make sure its strings getting put into that string thats your only error one or both of them arent strings

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yup, that was the problem, roundNumber specifically.
when i used tostring(roundNumber) the chat sended the message, and it printed the name of the instance, not the actual number

thanks for the help man really appreciate it

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