ChatService/Filter Function is not passed speaker because of unknown reason-

  1. What do you want to achieve?
    I’m making a custom proximity-rp based chat system.

  2. What is the issue?
    I had issues with my custom message filter (for changing colors etc…) so I pinpointed the problem by dumbing down the filter and finding out which script is causing it to not work.
    The filter actually works just fine, however it is supposed to pass the speaker/sender of the message and it is not because of a ProximityChat module (originally written by @TheGamer101 but slightly modified by me). I have a basic understanding of the Lua Chat System but I can’t figure out why is the ProximityChat module causing the filter function to not be passed the speaker (sender) to makeLowercase(sender, ...)

  3. What solutions have you tried so far?
    I tried everything but nothing worked because I can’t wrap my head around why is ProximityChat breaking this due to my basic/poor knowledge of the Lua Chat System.

Here I’m using the Devforum example of a filter function along with the original ProximityChatScript, I have no idea why is it passing nil as the speaker (sender).

TestFilter (ChatModule):

-- Filter function
local function Run(ChatService)
	local function makeLowercase(sender, messageObject, channelName)
		messageObject.Message = string.lower(messageObject.Message)
	ChatService:RegisterFilterMessageFunction("makeLowercase", makeLowercase)
return Run

ProximityChat (ChatModule):

--	// FileName: ProximityChat.lua
--	// Written by: TheGamer101
--	// Description: Only allows players to see messages from those within a certain distance.

local Chat = game:GetService("Chat")
local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")

local ReplicatedModules = Chat:WaitForChild("ClientChatModules")
local ChatSettings = require(ReplicatedModules:WaitForChild("ChatSettings"))


local function Run(ChatService)
	local function WithinProximity(player1, player2) 
		if player1 == player2 then
			return true
		if player1.Character and player2.Character then
			local torso1 = player1.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")
			local torso2 = player2.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")
			if torso1 and torso2 then
				return (torso1.Position - torso2.Position).magnitude < PROXIMITY_DISTANCE
		return false
	local function ProximityChatReplicationFunction(speakerName, message, channelName)
		local speakerObj = ChatService:GetSpeaker(speakerName)
		local channelObj = ChatService:GetChannel(channelName)
		if not speakerObj then return false end		
		if not channelObj then return false end		
		local playerObj = speakerObj:GetPlayer()
		if not playerObj then return false end
		for i, otherSpeakerName in pairs(channelObj:GetSpeakerList()) do
			local otherSpeakerObj = ChatService:GetSpeaker(otherSpeakerName)
			if otherSpeakerObj then
				local otherPlayerObj = otherSpeakerObj:GetPlayer()
				if otherPlayerObj then
					if WithinProximity(playerObj, otherPlayerObj) then
						otherSpeakerObj:SendMessage(message, channelName, speakerName, message.ExtraData)

		return true

	ChatService:RegisterProcessCommandsFunction("proximity_chat", ProximityChatReplicationFunction, ChatSettings.LowPriority)

return Run


print(sender) at Line 4 in TestFilter

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Reading documentation can sometimes be a huge determinant of understanding how things work.

The ProximityChat command function is (or should be) stopping the processing of the message because its default return is true (true, stop the message from being processed). Filter functions only run if the chat has been processed. The way TheGamer101’s proximity chat works is to stop the processing of messages and manually transmit them to players within proximity.

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Have you tried making sure that “messageObject” and “channelName” are properly being passed to the function?